Monday, June 3, 2013

He liked it so he put a ring on it

You know those weird girls who sit in front of you in class or next to you at a coffee shop and all they do is look at Pinterest? And if you went to their profile you'd see 768 pins on their "My Fairy Tail," "Here Comes the Bride," or "The Big Day." Well, this has become me and my life. Ever since getting engaged, I have become addicted to Pinterest to plan the perfect day. It's a little overwhelming and probably really unattainable to achieve such high expectations for the way the surrounding trees look and the way your tables are arranged, buutttt it is fun.

If you don't know the story of how Casey and I got engaged, I'll share it here... Back in December Casey told me that he asked my dad if he could marry me. We had a big trip planned to Spain so I was sure he was going to do it there. When we reached the decks of the Alhambra, looking over Granada, I was sure that was the moment. Then when we were hiking down to a waterfall in Ronda, I figured this is more than perfect. And then in Sevilla, such a romantic and magical city... I mean, you're basically forced to propose there. But, as all of you know, no such engagement happened and I went home bare handed.

After Spain I didn't want to make any bets on when it was going to happen and I just let it go. We did look at rings in April and that made it feel much more real. I had never tried on rings and to actually put one on my finger took me aback. After I tried on rings I called my mom to tell her about them. We talked for a bit and guessed when he might do it. Of course, Casey told my dad, my dad told my mom, and then my mom felt that she would spill the beans to me. This tends to happen a lot with my mom unless you explicitly say "DO NOT SAY ANYTHING" which of course Casey didn't do so his secret was safe with no one. Anywho, it was mid April and my mom said, "Well you know, he said he was going to do it before graduation so he doesn't have much time left." So I knew it, he was going to ask me during our week long vacation in Catalina before my graduation and bar studying began.

I made it through finals without snooping through any of his drawers or pockets and before I knew it, I was done with law school, my family was flying into SNA, and we were all going to Catalina for the week. We had a wonderful week in Catalina. Everyone was there - Trav, B, T, Q and Jen; Shane, Nicole and Will; Mom and Dad; Garrett and Casey. We made a lot drinks, played miniature golf a few times, the boys played real golf, and every single day we went to the beach where the boys just loved life. The island was really the perfect place to be for our family and the little ones. We were able to walk everywhere and do our own thing if we wanted.

Our time on Catalina came and went way too quickly and before any of us knew it we were on our way back to the mainland. And still, no ring. My mom and I went to the East Coast the day after my graduation and had a great trip. We came back and it was time for me to start studying for the Bar.

Casey's birthday came and went and on June 2, a Sunday, we went to church and then to Trader Joe for some pizza making supplies. We were making pizza in the kitchen of our apartment, I was taking care of the dough and Casey was in charge of tomato chopping. I was spreading garlic on the oiled up dough and all of a sudden I hear this grumble from behind. I look back and there is Casey, on one knee, in the middle of the kitchen floor.

Wow, this was really happening. I had thought about this moment for so long and here it was. All I remember saying was, "let me wash my hands! Casey, your timing is so bad!" It wasn't the nicest reaction, but if you know me, I say what I think before thinking about what I'm going say. I felt so loved and grateful for Casey in that moment, it was really special.

After my hands were washed and the ring was on, we opened up a great bottle of Walla Walla wine we had been saving. We took our time to just enjoy the moment and then we called our family and sent texts to our friends. Casey's parents were in Italy so we sent them an email.