Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cries and Goodbyes

I always knew I could be emotional, but I didn't know I could be that emotional. I think my tear ducts will be dried up for years after this move...

It's amazing how much I realized the impact so many people had on me once I had to say goodbye. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks about a week before I left, I held onto time so tightly and didn't let go of any of it, I am so happy with the way I left Seattle. 

I spent my last night out with my restaurant family in Ballard and was shocked by the number of people who were there, leaving their families to come hang out with me and dance the night away. I don't remember a lot of the night, but what I do know is that as I was walking out of the last bar I was whaling and my Detroit friend was yelling at me to knock it off. 

I spent my last weekend with my best college friend floating the Snoqualmie River (after almost going down the Falls), going to our first Sounder's game, and watching the Bachelorette.
I spent my last night with my technology family at a lakehouse wakeboarding, playing beer pong, and having career heart to hearts until 2am. I swore I would want to listen in on the weekly meetings via phone, now I'm not so sure.

My last night in Seattle was with my family giving a waitress a hard time, talking about politics and "the mess Obama has put us in", and falling asleep before I could set my alarm for my apointment the next morning.

And the whole Washington experience ended in Walla Walla where my last weekend was spent with my best girlfriends wine tasting, with my rascal nephews, and my family out at the farm. 

I am so blessed and I am realizing that more and more each day. How am I ever going to meet people to compare to those I met in Seattle? It's going to be hard, probably even harder since I'm Orange County as I've been warned by many.

So here I am, in my warm, bright, California apartment in Orange. This is it, everything I've wanted... right? It still feels like I'm on vacation, I'm just waiting for Alaska Airlines to email me my pre-boarding pass and then the search for a ride from the Sea-Tac begins. I just got a call on my cell from one of The Capital Grille guests telling me he's coming in tomorrow and wants a reservation, I just declined a meeting at Direct Technology's conference room for later this week, maybe this is why I still feel like I'm on vacation... Or maybe it's because I know NO one, except my boyfriend 30 minutes away, I don't know where I am half the time, and the highlight of my day was going to a coffee shop to access the internet. I called the bank today and had to think twice about whether I used the US number or the international one. 

None the less, I'm trying to fit in with my yellow beach cruiser, I'm really enjoy the sun and I'm finally taking time to breathe after these last few, crazy, months. Orientation for school starts in exactly a week from today and the first day of class in Monday the 23rd (everyone say a little prayer for me on Sunday). I hear the people in law school can be ruthless, hopefully it's no worse than Elle's experience at Harvard, maybe I can find a nice professor who will give me a great job... who knows! 

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